Wednesday, 21 January 2009

A Local Protest


"No" to correctly placed apostrophes, presumably!


  1. What a delightful- and ever so slightly - mischievous, sense of humour you have! LOL!

  2. What is it with Leicestershire and apostrophes? I always remember going up the Narborough Road one day and seeing a sign for "Bed's Bed's Bed's".

  3. Maybe someone called Groby Say is the proud possessor of a 'No'?! If only.

  4. Does anybody under the age of 50 know how to use the apostrophe correctly?

  5. Isabella - yes! I'm only 46!! ;-)

  6. How funny!! I love the picture.
    I am getting caught up on posts. If you find a pattern for knitting a new brain please let me know. I'm all for that one.

  7. This post has certainly generated plenty of comment! I shall keep watching to see if any more signs appear and photograph them if appropriate.

  8. Am I the only one who wants to know what they want to say no too?

  9. Have you read Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss? 'The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation'. It's just super-dooper.

    Isabella I'm 35 and I hope I know how to use apostrophes properly, though I do have grammar lapses quite frequently - especially when speed typing comment''''s ;)

  10. They want to say 'No' to a Travellers' Site. [That is, a site for Travellers - plural!!]
    I am NOT going to get involved in the politics of this - although I will repeat ONE of the arguments against it. Someone said to me "We think it will lower the standards in our local schools" Where was the sign writer educated, do you think??


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