Wednesday, 3 February 2010

The Spirit In Which They Were Sent**

Back in September, Lesley gave me some damsons [here] so I made a damson loaf and prepared some damson gin [intended for Christmas]


DSCF0527 I have to report that it was all very successful.

Once the fruit had 'steeped' for about three months, I drained off the liquid, back into the green glass bottles, and put the fruit into two smaller kilner jars.

The girls took small bottles of gin back to London with them, and I was able to give away some jars of 'soused damsons' as gifts. They make a lovely dessert when warmed through and served with good ice cream or clotted cream [but do DSCF1156not eat them in posh company - there are lots of pips to spit out!]

And the gin is...amazing...My alcohol tolerance level is very low - but I admit to taking a small glass of the stuff whilst I have had this extremely heavy cold, as it has really helped me to sleep.

AND I checked out prices - this works out at less than a quarter of the price of buying it in the shops.

**VERY old joke  - a Methodist Minister [who was supposed to be teetotal] was moving away from the area. Knowing he liked such things, the other clergy in the town gave him a jar of peaches in brandy. "You can ONLY keep this gift if you publicly acknowledge it in your church magazine" they said.

So he published this notice "I wish to thank my fellow ministers for their gift of fruit, and the spirit in which it was sent"


  1. Good joke!

    And congrats on the success of your damson endeavors. What a pretty color they produce!


  2. Hello from America, more specifically the state of Michigan. Looking forward to reading your posts and seeing how the Lord is blessing you on your side of the world!
    With joy,

  3. We had one incredible town event where seemingly every single raffle prize was won by us Mehtodists, and the minister won the top prize of a bottle of booze! So yes, we know and like the joke...

    I leave the fruity booze to Ben - he does love making it, and then he VERY SLOWLY consumes it. I think he enjoys the production better than the consumption, really.

    Thanks for the whey in scones trick!


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