Friday, 27 May 2016

One Of Those Days...

It is gone 5pm and I have only just sat down to sort out the blog today. I cannot remember when that last happened [and when it did, I received emails from kind and concerned friends who thought I must be ill because they couldn't find my post]
No -  I have just been very busy trying to achieve more than is humanly possible.  But I do need to say happy birthday to my daughter - many happy returns, Liz. May you have a great year ahead of you, and may the new adventure of motherhood bring you as much joy as it has brought me!


  1. Hello WonderWoman! Just been chuckling reading your last few posts. We are strangely addicted to Hinterland, though we never noticed the red parka thing. Have to say though, the red parka must be the most cheerful thing in the programme! xCathy

    1. You are so right - it makes even some of those Scandinavian Crime Dramas seem as cheerful as Midsomer!

  2. Make sure you take a few minutes for yourself! You cant pour from an empty jug as they say x x

  3. Happy birthday to your daughter! Wish her all the best!


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