Saturday 13 June 2009

Coppers, Kids and Quizzes

DSCF0065 We got up really early this morning - Bob off [in his new suit - doesn't he look smart?!] to the launch of the Blaby Street Pastors Initiative at the local Police HQ.

I was sorry I couldn't support him in person, but I had already promised to be at the Village Hall all day.

Bob's event went very well, and he seemed pleased with things, although had hoped for a slightly higher turnout [a number who had said they would attend never showed up]




I was amused to see this pass still tucked in the windscreen this afternoon. He obviously left without returning it!


street pastor

matt baggott

Matt Baggott, the Chief Constable for Leicestershire is very supportive of this work, and spoke well at the launch.

We are fortunate to have such a gifted and charismatic copper heading up our local force.




My car was very laden down with a Gopak table, sewing machine and various other bits and pieces.

I had been asked to do some personalised embroidery at a Kids Stuff Sale at the Village Hall in support of "Adapt" the charity for "All Dependent and Premature Babies"


There was a mixture of stuff at the sale - books, cards, crafts, and lots of groups providing activities for babies and toddlers [Mini-IQ, Sing and Sign, etc]


It was organised by Libbi, who I had met at a Macmillan Nurse Coffee Morning, when she was selling her Phoenix cards.

The event went very well, and she seemed pleased with things, although she had hoped for a slightly higher turnout [Spot similarity here with a previous paragraph!!]

Starbucks provided free coffee and cakes and simply asked for a donation to Adapt - which I thought was really good, and some of the Raffle Prizes were very generous [not that I ever buy raffle tickets]

Money raised will help equip the hospitals with more specialist equipment like this.




I met some really interesting people, and saw a lot of gorgeous babies and toddlers. Having a baby is hard work - pregnancy, labour, and many years following. I am grateful that my two were relatively easy, and so many of these young Mums at the Fair today had coped with babies arriving 2 or 3 months early, with underdeveloped lungs and other health problems. Sometimes they were juggling hospital visits with baby whilst also bringing up a lively toddler. No wonder they are grateful to Adapt for the support and encouragement it provides.

I sold a few facecloths, bags and bibs - but none of the little sleepsuits. But they can go back into store for another time. I let the older children [5+] type their names into the machine and press 'start'. They loved feeling that they had been involved in making their own facecloths.


Bob turned up at 1.30pm, on his way home from the Police HQ, bearing a tray of [extremely tasty]  leftover sandwiches. These were gratefully received by the stallholders!

And I was home by 3pm - exhausted! Now it is up into the loft to find stuff for tomorrow's Family Service, and then off to church for a Quiz Night. Not sure my brain is working well enough for that though.


  1. That sounds like a good 'do', though sorry you didnt have as many as you would have liked.
    Ang, I think you are non stop!

  2. What a busy, community filled day! Yahoo!


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