Monday 30 May 2016

Where Did Napoleon Keep His Armies?

...up his sleevies!
Ok, so it is a very old joke - but part of my May declutter involved using up wool in a good cause. - and sleeves were involved.
I've mentioned the Knitting Cupboard at church before [that is, a cupboard for kntting, not a cupboard which knits!] Last time the lady came to get the stuff for the Romanian Orphanage, she mentioned that they no longer want sleeveless/short sleeve tops, only long sleeve jumpers.
Which is OK - except that we had about 3 dozen baby jumpers using this pattern

It is always popular with knitters because 

  • front and back are the same 
  • it is knitted all in one piece 
  • you can use up oddments of yarn
  • the sleeves form part of the pattern
  • it is easy to add your own modifications to stitch patterns [rib, moss stitch etc]
As we didn't know which kind soul[s] had supplied all these - and we didn't want to appear ungrateful and say 'they won't do, sorry' a few of us decided to add extra sleeves. Some knitted, some crocheted, some a combination. I added sleeves to six of the jumpers

Here's hoping some needy little children are kept warm this winter.


  1. That's great that you were able to add sleeves to the ones that were already made! Such a practical solution!

  2. What a fab thing to do :)
    I knit for NHAP who distribute them to prem and angel babies.

  3. Thanks Fishcake - I found NHAP here What an amazing, generous, loving group of craftspeople.


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