Sunday 13 August 2023

A Prayer For Refugees

Another boat full of migrants sinks in the Channel. Hundreds in Hawaii, and in the Mediterranean lose their homes through wildfires, and those migrants put on a barge earlier in the week had to be evacuated for fear of Legionella. One is left speechless by the sadness of it all. Here is a prayer from Christian Concern for One World which I found very challenging - especially the verse in red...

Loving God,

You sustain us with mercy and grace
And call us to share the compassion we receive.
Help us to love as you want us to love:
Not to ask ‘Who is my neighbour?’
But to see our neighbour in everyone we encounter
And to offer help and hospitality when people are hurting.

In a world that can be rushed, give us patience and time to care.
In a world that can be harsh, help us to be kind.
In a world that can be fearful, make us bearers of hope.

We ask this in the name of Jesus our Lord,
Who came from heaven to earth,
Lived among us as a wanderer,
And offers salvation to all.

Sorry for late post - power cuts in village and no WiFi!


  1. I despair at the plight if as asylum seekers and refugees. I am ashamed at our government and hope for a change of government very soon.

  2. An inspiring prayer x
    Alison in Wales x

  3. Lovely prayer and sentiments. Amen.


  4. We are so lucky in so many ways. May we never take all that for granted.

  5. Amen. xx

    The news is all so sad at the moment, I am almost wishing for the return of inane 'celebrity' news.

  6. I read how some people have stopped reading or watching the news because it's so distressing, and maybe that's ok for them, but I feel I have a responsibility to be informed and use that knowledge to guide some of my choices. And yet, it's so upsetting and it wears hard on me. I am not a person of religious faith, but good prayers are always of value and needed.

    1. I think it is wise to perhaps just listen to (or read online) news bulletins perhaps once or twice a day. Many people become "news junkies" following the progress of world events on an hourly basis. That must take its toll on ones peace of mind. I appreciate your final sentence. I have many friends who do not share my faith, but value prayer when they are in a difficult situation 🙏


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