Friday 18 August 2023

Clock Work

Definition clock [verb, informal British] meaning to notice or observe.
Thus clock work could mean to observe someone else's activity. 
I was delighted to find a promotion in The Forum in Norwich this week, for the annual Open Studios. A fortnight in which we can freely look at work created by artists and craftspeople across the county. As well as the brochures, there were dozens of pieces on display, to give a flavour of the diverse skills which will make up this exhibition. Arts and crafts of every sort... Weaving, sculpture, stitching, pottery, jewellery, photography, painting, drawing and so much more. This piece caught my eye, a miniature masterpiece entitled "Borrowed Time" 
A little home built in the back of an old clock. Tables made from cotton reels, artwork is old postage stamps, half a pair of scissors makes wall art, and beads from a broken necklace provide finials on the bed posts. On the table, a book and a notice. 

Do not touch this exhibit, Arriety 
Do you remember Mary Norton's story The Borrowers?
Little Arriety Clock, 
and her parents Pod and Homily, lived under the grandfather clock. And they scavenged and foraged for all their needs, "borrowing" the things dropped by "human beans" to make furniture and clothing. 
I loved peeking into the little dwelling and spotting the miniature items - the wristwatch [sans strap] becoming a wall clock, the smallest matryoshka making a little doll. A handwritten letter used as wallpaper.  
Well done Jackie Heath, from Yarmouth for this tiny treasure. 
"The Borrowers" story was made into a number of films. I think my favourite production starred Ian Holm and Penelope Wilton, and was a BBC series in the early nineties. I watched it with Liz and Steph. 

If this little  model reflects the standard of artworks in this year's Open Studios, then we are in for a treat! 
Are there "Open Studios" events in your area? 
Do you enjoy looking at the creativity of others? 

Thank you all for yesterday's gardening advice 🌱🥒👊🎃🥒🌱👍 especially the warning about self pollinating courgettes. 


  1. Sounds like a fun event to attend. I hope you'll be able to take some pictures of the exhibits to share with us.

    1. I hope we are able to do an "art trail" like we did last year

  2. I would have loved looking at that too - clocks and miniature things are two of my 'likes' :-)
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Having downsized into a retirement bungalow, the phrase "small is beautiful" is increasingly relevant for me

  3. Our annual flower show next week but the wee girls who used to get excited about entering their various classes and winning rosettes (and one time a silver trophy!) are bigger now and less enthusiastic! Nice local flower show on this weekend I might attend and take Mum if the weather holds!

    1. Our Garden Club Show is on Sunday. Sadly none of my produce meets the alarmingly strict criteria!

    2. Must be the WI that's judging! They love their white coats! Lol x

  4. How very charming, I expect you could have spent ages gazing!

    1. I would have stayed there till they closed, had not Bob arrived to take me home

  5. How lovely, I loved The Borrowers books. Here in East Sussex we have an annual arts and crafts festival called Coastal Currents where there are exhibitions, lectures, films, and best of all artists open their studio's/homes to the public and display their work, talk about the process etc. All free and really interesting. We have bought a few paintings and pottery over the years. I hope you Get to see some more work. Regards Sue H.

    1. It is a lovely way for local people to showcase their work.

  6. Ooh-I would love to visit these Open Studio events. The Borrowers recreation is such a beautiful example of creativity and upcycling. Catriona

  7. What a delightful clip! I have several Borrowers books and did not know there was a movie series. Anne in Wy

  8. How charming! Wish we had some Open Studio events here.


  9. What a delightful "Borrowed Time" creation! I once knitted a miniature fringed rug for DGD's dolls house and mailed it to her from overseas - a "flat gift". I loved the "Borrowers" books. I sometimes wonder if there are some borrowers in our house when things go missing. Better than imagining we are forgetful!

  10. There must be a whole tribe of borrowers living here, given the amount of stuff that seems to go astray


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