Friday 28 May 2010

Stitched Up!

Having set aside Tuesday and Wednesday as Sewing Days, I had to revise my plans a little. I couldn't find one particular dress pattern I needed for a costume. So I decided to do some other sewing jobs instead.

First up, I had been asked for two oven gauntlets and a long oven glove by friends at church.


Useful tip - when making oven gloves, I make sure I pad them well - but I add an extra layer of heat reflecting milium. Buying a cheap ironing board cover in a Poundshop is a good source of this.


[We had a lady in our previous church who maintained that Ironing was "much easier with one of those millennium covers" - just how many years did she spend pressing things??!!]

Then I made a few pencil rolls, tissue holders and teabag packs for the school fete in June. I need to get some more crayons though...


Last time I put embroidered fronts on the teabags...DSCF1265

But I had found some amazing retro fabric in the Great Stash


It was a border strip from a larger panel I'd bought years ago on holiday in Yorkshire. I cut out patches, and fixed them with Bondaweb, then blanket stitched round them.


I spent the whole day sewing, and felt really relaxed by the evening!

Then all the sewing machines were put away, fabric remnants folded, the carpet vacuumed - and the dining table was usable once more! Unfortunately Bob has been so busy that Thursday evening's meal ended up being pie'n'chips eaten in the Church Hall.

Friday is a whole day teaching - and then it is Half Term - Hallelujah!


  1. What good ideas.
    Hooray for half term! Take time to relax.

  2. Love the new style tea holders - brill

    Oh and thanks for the tip regarding the ironing boards

  3. Everything looks wonderful. I especially love those pencil holders!


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