Friday, 25 February 2011

Another Of Life’s Unanswered Questions

According to the dictionary “EXOTIC” is defined as

    1. of foreign origin or character; not native; introduced from abroad, but not fully naturalized or acclimatized: exotic foods; exotic plants.
    2. strikingly unusual or strange in effect or appearance: an exotic hairstyle.
    3. of a uniquely new or experimental nature; exotic weapons.
    4. of, pertaining to, or involving stripteasing: the exotic clubs where strippers are featured.

So please, can anyone explain to me why there was a large bin in Asda today, labelled “Exotic Vegetables” which contained Brussels Sprouts?


Looking at the four definitions above…

    1. They ARE fully acclimatized – we have had them here since the 16th century [admittedly they came originally from Belgium, but this girl is very fond of Belgian stuff]
    2. They DON’T look strange- they look like baby cabbages
    3. They are NOT new, and not much good as weapons either – although I have eaten some which were hard as bullets
    4. I have had a very sheltered life** so maybe there IS a hidden connection with stripclubs which is known to the people who regularly shop at Asda that is outside my personal experience!

**but I do know that the proper name for a stripper is an “Ecdysiast” – although I rarely have the opportunity to use this word.

polycell stripper

[what sort of stripper did you think I would post a picture of?]


  1. I don't think I could take any more photos of strippers at all, thank you very much. I used to be Presbyterian, you know!! I did learn the word "brassica" today- watching the morning news report about the terrible harvest there will be because of the snows. It sounds potentially exotic, don't you think?!

  2. LOL. I remember someone in a supermarket in Glasgow commenting to me that bananas were exotic..... not last time I looked!

    What, no 'orange' supermarket where you are?!

  3. Well maybe we have got so used to eating out of season vegetables flown at great expense from far flung parts of the world that good local produce has become exotic. Or were these brussel sprouts grown in Kenya or another equally unlikely location? I have decided that seasonal is the best way to go for good flavour.

  4. Well you do have to 'strip' the outside leaves off them......??

  5. At my home, they would be exotic food: strikingly unusual or strange in effect or appearance. No one here has ever seen them on their dinner plate!


  6. Thank you. A laugh is always a good start to the day.


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