Sunday, 17 May 2015

A Gentle Reminder

My great friend Val [also a Baptist minister’s wife] posted this picture on her fb page. It was just what I needed in a somewhat stressed, busy week. Thanks Val!

phi 4

It is exactly three years since someone who reads my blog emailed me and asked Bob me to pray about an awful situation she was in. We prayed. A few weeks later she sent a brief message saying things were beginning to improve, there was “light at the end of the tunnel”. Yesterday, out of the blue, she sent me a wonderful long email – she is in a really good place now, and prayers have been answered in amazing ways. I am so thrilled for her, and glad that things have worked out.

A gentle reminder to me that I must not be anxious, and God’s peace really does transcend human understanding. As the old hymn says, just “take it to the Lord in prayer”

1 comment:

  1. There's something very comforting in being able to give up ones troubles to a Higher Power, isn't there? I'm glad your reader wrote to you to let you know that the prayers helped her.


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