Sunday 5 June 2016

Festival Of Flowers

The Parish Council in nearby West Moors, has just celebrated its 60th anniversary. They had a week of special activities,including a flower festival/competition. As UCF belongs to the Churches Together group, and also we put a Christmas Tree in last December's event, we were invited to take part in this one too. Again it was hosted by St Martin's United Reformed Church. Sadly, there were fewer floral displays than the organisers hoped. But all very different. The theme was '60 years of West Moors' 

Click on the pictures to see who did what. That lady is our lovely Luise who stepped in at the last minute to do our UCF display when Heather had to pull out for family reasons. Heather had the idea, and provided the props, and Luise assembled it all beautifully.

We were quite pleased that the location for our display was under the cross- it seemed rather appropriate. There was coal in one little bucket and water in the other - and one person lent a pukka model steam train and another provided the picture of the station.

I was the 'meet and greet' person for one morning, and ended up having some lovely chats with visitors. It was interesting to hear their comments about their favourite displays. People certainly appreciated the work that the children had put in doing their pieces which were all 'collaborative efforts' - most of the adult ones were just one person's arrangement.

This is the winning entry, based on the War Memorial, done by a lady who is a retired professional florist.
Thank you to all those who assisted with the UCF display, to Muriel and the folk at St Martins for the venue, and Amie, Parish Secretary, who worked hard all week organising the various celebration events.


  1. There are some lovely arrangements. How nice that yours was tied in to local history with trains.

  2. They are beautiful! I do so love Flower Festivals!

  3. very lovely displays. Aren't people talented?!


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