Wednesday 18 October 2023

Holes, Homekeeping, and Hats

I had lost 2 rolls of bin bags - and I could not find them anywhere. I decided that I would have to completely clear out the double cupboard under the kitchen sink. No, they weren't there. But I did notice my tin of wood cleaning materials had slipped down into the hole in the shelf where the pipes go.

I recalled an incident in Norwich, 35 years ago, when a bus fell down a hole! It got on the ITV news. I think I would have been very nervous if I had been on that bus. 

I've walked down the road many times since but fortunately it has not happened again!
I carried on searching,and I did find the bags eventually- under the sink in the Futility Room. Both the cupboards got cleared out properly and tidied, and Bob was very pleased to see positive decluttering happening.
I took a couple of things up into the loft and found two things I hadn't seen since we retired - my favourite red baseball cap, and the crazy Scandi fleece hat from the CS in Salisbury. They were in the bottom of the hatbox full of my Dressing Up Hats [I thought that Jess might want to wear the Witch Hat next week] Why haven't I looked for them in there before?
In summer I like a baseball hat to keep the sun off my face. In colder weather, I like to wear a hat to keep my head warm. 
I think Autumn is definitely here - Bob has stopped wearing his shorts, and actually put a scarf round his neck when we went out yesterday evening. And my bedsocks are in use too.


  1. Glad you found them! I'm losing things all the time!!! Kx

    1. 😉 I'd blame old age, buy you are thirty years younger than me

  2. We are also gradually transitioning to winter ways. It was -4C yesterday when we got up and the car had to be scraped twice before we could go out at 9am. Vests, woollen socks and gloves are now in the drawer instead of the storage basket but of course torrential rain is now forecast for the next few days! Catriona

    1. Rain and floods on the way 🌧️🌧️🌧️

  3. I'm glad you rescued your tin from the hole and hope the real double decker bus was rescued, too! Glad you found your bin liners and the hats, although I have developed an aversion to red baseball caps, lately, no matter what the logo on them might say!

    1. I suddenly realised it looks a fully like a MAGA hat. I will put it away again!

  4. Much colder at night here. I dont wear bedsocks, but I do have a furry hot water bottle!

  5. Susan From Across the Pond18 October 2023 at 10:55

    Your hat looks like a University of Alabama hat to my American eyes. I can't imagine that's correct. We are in the high season of (American) football here. You'd fit right in with it if you were a fan of the Crimson Tide. It's possible that you might be confused as a MAGA supporter over here too. Many U. of Alabama fans, however, wouldn't mind the MAGA description. Sadly, our political leanings seem to be very much be divided along geographical territories. It's all very discouraging.

    1. I bought it in Boston in 2004. It's an Atlanta Braves baseball cap. I wanted one with a A (my initials are AA) and I like red - and my father visited Atlanta in 1973. It was long before the Trump era!

    2. Susan From Across the Pond19 October 2023 at 11:37

      Of course you need an A hat! And Atlanta Braves makes perfect sense. Enjoy your hat and don't worry about those who might mistake it for MAGA. I'm sure you look delightfully cheery in a red hat. A+

  6. It looks like a warm, cheerful hat, Angela, or a tea cosy.
    Fleece covered hot water bottle, bedsocks, fleecy pyjamas, woolly hat and shawl, and a flask of tea at bedtime, and isn’t even November!
    It was -1°C in the garden the last two mornings.
    Hibernation sounds very sensible.
    We have had our flu jabs and started our high dose Vitamin D tablets as we don’t get enough sunlight to produce it.
    Keep well.

    1. Had flu jab, awaiting covid booster. I'm on vitamin D all year round. Dr says my levels would be too low otherwise 🌞🌞🌞

  7. Ah, I hear you! We bemoan putting things in in a "good place" and cannot find those things as much as we look . When we finally happen to find them, they WERE in a good place after all but not a place that came to mind. Bother!
    It's getting cold here, too. Autumn!


  8. I am telling myself not to complain about the cold - I have a safe, secure home, food, clothes and medical centre round the corner.And I know my family are well too. But if I were in Ukraine or the Middle East... 🙏🙏🙏

  9. Extra quilt on the bed, and I am considering buying pyjamas as my knees get cold !

    1. But why do so few women's pyjamas have pockets? I like somewhere to put my hankie!

  10. Funny, I was just looking in the hall closet for a bright orange hunting vest that I bought for DH to wear in our woodlot in hunting season in case anyone was trespassing and thought he was a moose! We do often miss items and then I wonder if we donated them years ago! Definitely weather to cosy up right now, and when I come in, my fingers are often white (Reynaud's Syndrome) and I can't touch type the letters correctly! One day I will just type a whole sentence and see what it looks like before I change it. It goes beyond any help from auto-correct!

  11. Yes, if I cannot find something, I wonder if I gave it away in Dorset before we retired!

  12. Perhaps you could embroider some daisies or sew trim on the hat.

    1. Embellishments might improve it... Thank you for the suggestion


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