Wednesday, 5 August 2009

How Clean Is Your House?

Spent the morning playing Kim&Aggie whilst Bob was Percy Thrower Geoff Hamilton. Household tips of the day – Number one- cleaning brass door handles when you have no metal polish to hand. Yes K&A are right – if you spread them with ketchup and wrap them in kitchen towel,after 30 minutes they polish up beautifully. Here are the handles on two sides of the same door…



Tip Number two – the ‘magic erasers’ really do work to remove children’s scribbles from paintwork. Before and after



Yes it is the same bit of wall! I get my erasers very cheaply in Aldi – and have discovered that the most economical method is to cut the large block into smaller pieces before you start to use them.


Bob is very happy – he has done an amazing amount of tidying in the garden, and we have got to meet more of our neighbours. The old carpet [which we had planned to take to the tip] has gone across the road to someone who needs it as a weed suppressant. The motorbike – which spent last night out on the road, because we could not get it across the deep gravel into our garage has a new home. Another neighbour has an empty garage and is also a bike fanatic – so the Honda is going to live there whenever we are here. Yet again, the Lord provides!!!

That’s enough work for the day – now for some more R&R…Zzzz!


  1. I love the Magic Erase thingy! It makes all sorts of problems disappear (tho unfortunately not dog stain on the carpet sort of problems). And I'm impressed with the ketchup trick, except that for some reason I have a hard time using condiments for anything but their intended purpose. There are several tricks one can do with mayonnaise, for instance, but I just can't bring myself to put mayo on anything but a sandwich ... just neurotic that way, I guess.

    Glad you have such nice neighbors in the new neighborhood!


  2. How clean is your house?????

    Day 3 of holiday club - yep you can guess how clean is my house!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I agree about mayo - the most exotic thing I ever did with it was use it in a chocolate cake recipe.
    During Holiday Club week, NOBODY does housework!


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