Friday 16 October 2009

Love Your Local Pastor!!

IM003191 Over at "Yesterday Today Forever", Karin, a Canadian pastor's wife, has a great post about October being "Pastor Appreciation Month". She says some good stuff in it. I'm mentioning it not because my Pastor feels unappreciated - on the contrary, the fellowship here are wonderful in the many and varied ways they show love and appreciation for his ministry - but because we all need reminding sometimes. And some people are working away faithfully in difficult situations with very little support or appreciation from those around them. One of the great things about last weekend's Conference was the opportunity to encourage one another from different churches in the work we're all doing.

October is a good month to show encouragement - I think many pastors will be back from their summer break, well stuck into the autumn programme and just beginning the relentless progress towards all the Christmas stuff!!

PS I appreciate you, Bob!


  1. I appreciate Bob, too, if only because he makes you happy. But clearly, viewing all photos you post of your congregation, he runs a vibrant, happy church, and that's not an easy thing. Go, Bob!


  2. Everyone should appreciate their pastor, they work so hard and carry all kinds of burdens for their congregation.

    I agree with Left-Handed Housewife, Bob must be a great pastor for all the reasons she lists.



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