Friday 23 October 2009

Taking Stock of The Situation

DSCF0778 It’s going to be such hard work next week when my holiday is over – I shall have to do all the cooking and meal planning again! Bob has been in his element this week producing fabulous food.

But I really must bring a larger apron down to Cornerstones next time – the one I have here is really far too small for him [and pink!]

Tonight we have invited Adrian, Marion and Lucy for a meal, so this morning Bob went off to our friendly village butcher to get the meat. He came back with some beef – and a bag of bones to make stock.

DSCF0775He has produced some more fabulous stock [beef this time] for tonight’s gravy and is currently making bread rolls. The frantic industry in the kitchen stopped at lunchtime when he served up more chicken soup. The golden soup in the Poole Pottery bowl looked so lovely against the golden wood of the table. Very autumnal. There’s just enough soup left for lunch tomorrow, before the journey home.So that will be SIX meals each from that one happy little chicken. Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall would be pleased, I am sure.

So whilst Bob is preparing all the main course [roast beef with five different veg and yorkshire puddings], plus making the bread rolls, I am taking the easy option – setting the table, assembling the starter [pate, plus rolls and salad garnish] and making the dessert [one-crust apple pie]


This is my large pyrex flan dish so we should all get a generous helping [with cream and custard]

Next week we may eat just salads every day!

The first time Bob made a beef stock from bones, he took them to church afterwards and preached on Ezekiel 37! Why do so many of the things round here end up as sermon illustrations??


  1. An incredible looking pie (and I should know, but husband is a pie maker extrodinaire!) Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy...everything looks so good!

  2. Bob sounds like a real keeper--hang on to that man!

    And the pie is beautiful. Tell Bob to hang on to you, too!



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