Friday 12 March 2010

Two Weeks To Term End!

It is Friday evening, and at last I have a chance to sit and unwind - I have had an exhausting, but really great time in school this week - I put up the Easter display in the entrance, and have been quite pleased to see the children looking at it as they come in and out of the building

Their questions are fun too - Are any of these eggs chocolate Miss? [definitely not] Is that real wine in the glass? [no, it is a scrap of lighting gel]


Yet again the Palm Tree comes in useful - a few of the branches look good in a florist's bucket by the explanation of Palm Sunday.

DSCF1272 I hung an Easter bonnet on one side, and a crown of thorns on the other.

I made the latter by plaiting some thorny twigs I had cut from a shrub in the garden.

Even wearing heavy motorcycle gloves, the thorns pierced my fingers. Which made me think about painful the original 'Crown of Thorns' would have been for my Saviour.



The bread roll is actually salt dough, and varnished with a coat of PVA. It is heavy as a brick!

Yesterday and today I have been working with the Foundation Stage children. They are very sweet - and very demanding - and 'wet playtime' doesn't help!

We were studying shapes and they had all sorts of shape related activities to do. Sadly everything has to be packed away at the end of the day, and the children sometimes spend ages making something, for it to be put back into the box. I took a few photos this afternoon, and that seemed to keep them happy.

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I realised, yet again, that when children do not understand what you say, they often substitute their own word. If I have a line of children waiting to go somewhere [assembly, playground, dining room etc] then I often check everyone is ready and say "OK, Wagons Roll!"

At playtime, I said this to the children, and as they marched past me, one little tot muttered "Dragons Roll!"


What wonderful mental images that conjures up!


  1. What a wonderful display, I wish there was something like this in our school. Maxi is in reception, so I know just how tiring and full on they can be.

    At least it wasnt Dragons Troll!

  2. The display looks great such a lot of time & effort has gone into it you deserve your spring break lol!!! Marie x

  3. Thanks for the comments- especially glad you posted MadMum, because I am strugging to commet on YOUR blog - where am I going wrong??


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