Sunday 14 March 2010

Primroses and Pie

godlyplay It is 3pm and I have already attended two services at two different churches! First to our Parish Church at 9am to observe their "Godly Play" - which is a "non-coercive way to encourage children to move into larger dimensions of belief and faith, through wondering questions and open-ended response time.

It invites listeners into stories and encourages them to connect the stories with personal experience, and is one of several variations of the Montessori tradition of religious education." [Read more here]

I had read about it, and was very interested to see it 'in action' . It is a much more formal method of children's worship/Bible teaching than I am used to. Unfortunately the change of time [until last month they met at 9.30am] plus Mothering Sunday, meant attendance was very low.

By 9.35am, I was at our place, helping Janet sort out the primroses


Don't you think the 'jungle' display board is looking good?


It is easier to carry the plants home if they are in a bag!


Every bag had a label coloured by the children


We gave them out to 100 delighted ladies just before the Benediction [that's any lady, whether or not they are a mother]

Bob had picked up on some of the themes of the Lent course, and was focusing our thoughts on children. We wrote prayers on strips of paper and made a huge Friendship Bracelet'


It was lovely to have our former Student Assistant, Dave, and his wife, Lesley, visiting us today. Dave says he is going to borrow the bracelet idea!


Home to watch Alonso win the first Grand Prix of the season and eat lunch.  Here is the companion to the Beelzebub chicken pie made last week. In view of today's date, we just had to have Π.

[click here if you don't understand what I'm on about!]


And now I am going to write a polite letter to Fuji asking them to fix my camera, which has started playing up again. There is a fault with the battery cover, and fortunately it is still under warranty. I hope their "72 hour repair or replacement service" is as good as they claim!

There may be fewer pictures on the blog over the next week or so.

Happy Mothering Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. We celebrate pi day at school tomorrow. I love that friendship bracelet idea. I might have to use that, too! xo


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