Thursday 22 April 2010

"A Woman Is Like A Teabag... never know how strong she is, until you put her into hot water."  or so Eleanor Roosevelt said.

Well, a group of strong women got together last night at Judy's house, for our regular Connexion meeting. As well as our usual tea and cake, and sharing of news, and prayertime,  we had an added dimension - a Craft Session led by Janet.



Janet showed us a card and a box that she had made, and said we would all be creating similar by the end of the evening

She taught us to do basic 'Teabag Folding' and we decorated boxes and cards. Initially I think she was concerned that we weren't getting it!




Janet looks really worried in this shot.










But then we got the hang of it, and she relaxed a little


We learned to do a simple modular design, where eight pieces combined to make a flower - sensibly she started us off with large squares of paper.

But then she gave us packs of tiny squares, which seemed quite fiddly.

We enjoyed ourselves enormously and did produce some amazingly pretty things. Here's Elisabeth and Hilary concentrating hard...




Judy was our host, and her green box was super [as were the home-made cakes she served us!]





Look at that tiny folded module - we needed eight of them for each centrepiece



Doreen and Elisabeth were pleased with their cards too





Here are the results of our labours...


What is intriguing is that the two boxes on the left and the bottom hexagon  all had flowers made from the same printed squares - but folding them differently completely changed the finished effect, giving red, green or yellow points.


DSCF0011This card was a joint effort - one of our group [absent last night] is celebrating a Diamond Wedding Anniversary - so we made this for her and her husband, and everyone signed it.



Janet's instruction book is by Tiny Van Der Plas - the Dutchwoman who is credited with developing this technique. More details here if you want to have a go yourself.

btw - the squared papers used in this craft were originally the colourful printed paper packets in which individual teabags were packed - the pretty fruit and herb teas.


  1. Is it tea bags, or the container bag in which they come? They do look amazing.

  2. Elizabethd - following your comment, I've added a further explanantion to the post!

  3. We have that book, and a few years ago Son 1 and I spent a productive recuperation from the flu making teabag folded Christmas cards! The results were great, even just using recycled wrapping paper. But yours are the real thing, and they really look wonderful. I hadn't thought of decorating boxes.

    I'm spending a week visiting, not posting, and it's nice to take the time to see what you've all been doing...

  4. Fantastic pictures Angela. I am really proud of my card! Janet has made us all feel very clever - thank you Janet!

  5. I've done this with the girls at Hebron, although we used wrapping paper (which I spent hours cutting into squares!) I do think that the 'proper' tiles look better though. We will be selling our efforts in May to raise money for a local orphanage.

  6. Fantastic craft! Beautifully done! Now to go and have a look!


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