Wednesday 30 December 2015

Love Tokens!

I really do, I love receiving gift tokens. We tend to keep them for a while then have a bit of a spending spree when we have the time to do things properly. So yesterday we took an envelope of tokens [saved from my birthday, Bob's birthday and Christmas] and were able to get a few things we had been saving up for - but did even better, because of the sales

Full marks to

  • HMV - where we got the DVD of Cloud Atlas [Bob's wanted this for ages] and the latest Rend CD- and because of a Sales Offer, got the DVD of 'Theory of Everything' as well. And the assistants were brilliant, they knew exactly where things were in the shop.
  • John Lewis - Bob's got his new Satnav at last. I am not saying the original needed replacing - but we were unable to navigate to anywhere which had any of the letters S-Z in its name or its postcode!
  • Maplin - replacement soldering iron in the sale
  • M&S - underwear [and not the usual boring plain stuff either]
  • Castle Mall Post Office, for its very efficient self-service section [no queue]
I also found in Thorns the replacement gasket for my pressure cooker, and in Jarrolds I finally got the candles for my Swedish Tree [also 30% off in the sale] so they will be going in the box ready for next Christmas.
For lunch we went to Clark and Ravenscroft's Deli - Alexandra Ravenscroft, one of the owners, is the daughter of the late, great John Peel.

The food is really good - and they make the sandwiches to order [so you can have red onion marmalade instead of tomato chutney, if you like!] 
Another successful day in one of my favourite cities - exploring the lanes and enjoying the sunshine.

And that is my sales shopping done for another year - thanks to all my nearest and dearest who made it possible!


  1. I adore Cloud Atlas! Such a clever and beautiful film.
    I must hook it out for a re watch when hubbies working next.

  2. I must venture out - when the weather improves. Blessings for 2016. Dx

  3. You did do well! Er, I think your sat nag did need replacing!!!!x

  4. didn't realise that you were up here in Norwich. Was it very windy in the city. Haven't been into the city for quite a while really.


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