Friday 12 September 2008

Built his house upon the sand...

Spent almost the entire day sorting out arrangements for the Sunday Funday. Why does everything always take longer than you expect?

When I was making the PA Covers, I trimmed the edge of the tarpaulin, because it was about 3cm wide, double thickness, with eyelets every 60cm. But I confess I rolled up the long eyeletted strip and kept it "just in case".

Well, today I found a use for it! Mike is concerned that the gazebos may blow away on Sunday at the Funday [one did last year!] and Bob agreed with him, and decided we needed sandbags to hold them down.

Off to B&Q for two bags of sand and a bag of 5 rubble sacks. More sewing later, and I had made 10 sandbags, with green handles [with eyelet holes, for tying in place if needed]


All that sewing, and weighing out 50kg of sand [a very complicated procedure involving two of us, with a trowel and the kitchen scales and an improvised funnel] left me utterly exhausted. I spent the rest of the evening flopped in front of the TV counting out cotton reels [that's another story altogether] watching "Random Hearts" - an extremely depressing Harrison Ford film,in which he plays a Washington policeman who has a particularly silly haircut and a bizarre relationship with Kristen Scott-Thomas who is a Congresswoman.

I know "proper" sandbags are sewn all round - but mine have a smallish "filling hole" at the top, and I was not risking my machine trying to sew up the hole once they were full of sand - and I was way too tired to handstitch them. Hence the blue nylon rope. That was left over from some other of Bob's projects. We never waste a thing round here!

Must add "Can also make sandbags and waterproof PA Covers" to my CV. Useful skills in these days of global warming and increased rainfall/flooding etc.


  1. Ropes are good to close them up.

    I think sand bags were a great idea! :)

  2. Hi, Angela! I'm quite impressed with your sandbags--and your thriftiness! And everything does always take longer than you expect (I find that especially true of running errands).

    I'm glad you stopped by my blog; it's been fun discovering yours!



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