Wednesday 22 February 2012

Pause In Lent–Coming Soon

A Pause in Lent Floss

Today is Ash Wednesday, the start of the season of Lent. As usual, my Fab Friend Floss in France is Facilitator for our Pause in Lent series. I promise not to alliterate everything! You can find details on her blog [here] Every weekend till Easter, a number of bloggers all round the world will be posting Lenten thoughts and reflections.

Right now I have absolutely no idea what I shall be posting about Sometimes I have a clear picture in my head beforehand. This year, I am in great need of the Creative Spark mentioned in Mags’ weekend post. Check her blog to hear the Rend Collective singing this…

I love You Lord – but I want to love You more
I need You God – but I want to need You more
I'm lost without Your creative spark in me
I'm dead inside unless Your resurrection sings
I'm desperate for a desperate heart
I'm reaching out, I'm reaching
All that I am is dry bones
Without You Lord, a desert soul
I am broken but running
Towards You God, You make me whole
You are exactly what we need
Only You can satisfy

rend collective album cover


  1. Floss your friendly facilitator thanks Ang for her always appropriate additions and attention! And that song is great - or at least the words are. I'll have to wait until after the boys' piano lessons to listen to the music!

  2. Thanks for the kind posts on my blog both yesterday and today. We will reach our goals I know it x

  3. I'll be checking back with you, especially on this Pause in Lent as other thoughts on this topic cause me to ponder...also joined Floss in her endeavor, but I'm flummoxed. Nancy

    1. Thanks for commenting - I loved your Jessye Norman post!

  4. Somehow it seems easier to write about Christmas than about Lent or Easter. Perhaps that's because I celebrate Christmas in two ways - the secular and the sacred - and the secular side has many warm fuzzy topics associated with it which are easy to blog about. But, to me, Easter has always been a sacred holiday only, so I don't necessarily have special thoughts or memories connected with it that I'm comfortable writing about. The sinfulness of man, the grace of God in Christ, redemption through His blood, and the propitiation of God's just wrath, are the central themes of Lent and Easter (as far as I'm concerned). And of course the resurrection. Very large topics!


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