Sunday, 24 December 2023

Advent Sunday 4

The fourth candle is the candle of love.

As our journey through Advent reaches Christmas Eve, stories from Gaza, Ukraine and many less-noticed parts of the world sadden and disturb us. People remain the victims of war, conflict and oppression. 

Attitudes of hatred and division give way to persecution, causing many to flee to places of safety, bringing with them stories of indescribable cruelty and abuse.  

Yet all too often they are met with attitudes of indifference. Perceived as a threat, their plight fuels demands for more controlled borders to stem their migrant flow. 

Individuals turn on those around them in unexpected acts of violence, bringing pain and bereavement in an instant, where there had been festive celebrations only moments before - we pray especially this weekend for the people of Prague

But those who seek the light of Christ in the midst of this darkness, remember and declare that love will always overcome evil and that when these things are passed, love will remain. 


  1. Love will remain.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  2. Love will always triumph over darkness. Wishing you, Bob and all the family a happy and peaceful Christmas. xx

  3. Replies
    1. Hoping you and your family have a truly blessed time together, dear friend

  4. Words don't always come easily when thinking about the suffering in some parts of the world do they?
    Wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas Angela x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It is hard, when we are blessed with peace and happiness, to find the right words for those who are in pain. Hoping you have a happy time this week, , Alison.

    2. TQ so much x
      Alison x

  5. Happy Christmas to you and your family.


  6. So important to remember that the light will overcome the darkness, even though it seems so bleak!
    Ah, dear Ang, wishing you much love and joy this Christmas and I hope that the upcoming year is full of contentment for you! Thank you for your friendship! xxx

    1. Thank you Kezzie - you have been a true friend, and a real support this past year when I lost my Auntie. May 2024 be a wonderful year for you

  7. That Amen was mine....

  8. Thanks, Kirsten! God grant you a joyful Christmas and a great new year. I hope it is full of unexpected blessings ❤️

  9. Come Lord Jesus! Bring your healing and hope. Pour your light into the darkest corners of the world.
    May your Christmas be blessed with love, peace and joy. 🙏

    1. Amen🙏 God be with you and your loved ones at this special time, Bushlady

  10. Happy Christmas, Angela. May your Christmas be filled with love and joy.


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