Monday 5 September 2022

All Change!

This is going to be a rather busy week... 

Lots of moving and changing and re-adjusting to the autumn

SIL Gary has finished Paternity Leave, and has is back at work.

Liz and co have returned to London - Jessica will be back at Nursery and Rosie will be in a new class [she's Year 2 now]

And my bro and SIL are moving house. Their new place is not available just yet - so they will be staying at Cornerstones for a few days

To give them some quiet space, Bob is moving into Liz and Jon's cottage up the road.

And I'm going up to Manchester for a few days to support Steph and the boys. 

My return ticket turns out to be for the day when a rail strike is planned ... so I hope to get back...sometime..

And thank you to all those who commented on yesterday's post - so  many kind friends out there - I hope you felt the love and prayers winging your way, Sandra


  1. All change for my family too - I'm sure children grow up at a greater speed nowadays.

    Hope your Brother and SiL house move goes well and you get back to Norfolk OK despite the train strikes.

  2. Ooh, that is a lot of movement!!! Lovely that you are now retired and can support Steph. I hope your return journey is ok.

    1. I really appreciate the freedom. Which retirement has brought us

  3. September has always felt like new year to me.

  4. Good luck with the train journey! It sounds like it's going to be a lot of change, so sending good vibes.

  5. Thank you Angela and everyone who sent prayers. I do feel better thank you, have been for a long walk today and it is raining here, the first for months, such a relief. I know these feelings of loneliness and inertia always pass and most people who live alone experience them, I’m sure you’re prayers have helped, thank you. Sandra.

    1. This is so good to read - thank you for sharing it. I'm glad you feel brighter today. You can always email me privately if you want an off-blog chat (details in my profile). I think many of us are hoping for some "sweet, refreshing rain" right now ❤️👍🙏

  6. Enjoy the time with your Manchester family and hope the trains don’t cause you problems. Catriona

  7. It sounds like you are "shuffling your cabinet" as they say in government, or is it just a kind of musical chairs, but you still have somewhere to sit when the music stops? I hope it all goes well for everyone. Enjoy your time with Steph and the little guys and have safe and reliable travels!

    1. Definitely a lot of shuffling around - fortunately everyone will have somewhere to sleep at the end of the day!

  8. Hope you've had a safe and comfortable train ride, Angela.

    1. Plans changed, so I didn't travel yesterday. It's now 11:30 Tuesday and my train is passing through Peterborough. 3hours to go. I have coffee and snacks...

  9. I'm late catching up but just wanted to say that I'm so glad folk shared love, prayers and encouraging words to Sandra. I hope your trip to Manchester goes well plus all the other assorted changes in the family, love San xx

    1. It is never too late to add kind words ❤️👍


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