Friday 13 November 2009

How Far Is It To Bethlehem?

DSCF0879 I know Christmas is coming when I have to get the  Palm Tree out of the garage and take it into school to be a prop for the Nativity Play!

I love this tree - it was air freighted to Birmingham in 2005 by some Korean ladies who were using it as part of their dramatic tableau for the Women's Conference at the Baptist World Alliance Centenary Congress - but they did not want to pay for it to be shipped back again - so they gave it to me!

Since then it has appeared on stage in at least 5 Holiday Clubs [Pirate and Desert Island themed], 3 Nativity Plays and also taken bit parts [the leaf fronds come out] for 2 Palm Sundays!  And afterwards it dismantles and packs away neatly into its box. It is around eight foot high and quite splendid.

And as one colleague said "It looks so much more professional than something made from a cardboard carpet roll tube and green crepe paper"

I think my Korean sisters would be quite surprised if they knew just how much use I have made of their gift!

Totally inappropriate aside - I remember in my teens, a friend told me to avoid a certain bloke cos he had Desert Disease.

"What's that?" I asked, "Wandering Palms" she replied!

1 comment:

  1. Lol!!!!!!!!!!

    Do you know, Ang, of all my chums you are the only one with a palm tree in her garage - strange that eh? !!


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