Sunday 1 November 2009

Evangelism - A Work In Progress

Quite looking forward to church this evening - it will be the first time I have heard Bob preach since September. Not because he has been out of the pulpit, but because I have been busy with a Conference, Sunday School responsibilities and preaching commitments of my own.

On Sunday mornings he has been working through a sermon series entitled "Evangelism 101", encouraging us to get really involved in sharing the Good News with our friends and family. I know much of what he has said though, cos he often 'practises what he preaches' on me beforehand!!


At the October family service, he put a long strip of paper all round the church - which had a wide yellow 'road' meandering along it. People arriving at church were given a little paper 'person'. During the service, the congregation were invited to stick their person somewhere along the road - which represented their 'journey' of life & faith.


The following week, the theme was the wider world - that God sent his Son for 'the world' not just for the Christians - and how we can share the gospel with our community. Bob added extra strips with John 3:16 on them along the bottom of the frieze.


Even the children who could not write drew pictures!DSCF0834


This week, the Bible story was the woman at the well, and how she went back and told her friends about Jesus. Again, the congregation were given little people to add to the frieze.

Today the focus was on family and friends- reaching those we already know and care about.

It is quite exciting to realise that people of all ages are engaging with the teaching ministry each week, and are willing to get out of their pews and write something down like this.

But what is really thrilling is that people keep telling me what a great sermon I have just missed when we meet in the Church Hall for coffee afterwards - and others have stories about things that have happened to them and unexpected opportunities they have had recently to share their faith. Let us pray that God blesses these encounters. the Church Hall, the youngsters and a great time this morning, in a session led entirely by the older teenagers on the theme of "Jesus, the True Light of the World". They had planned a puppet show, songs, games, activities and Bible teaching all around the theme, especially in relation to Halloween last night. It is always good to watch young people developing their gifts like this - and the younger children were having a great time too. I was there as one of the 'responsible adults' and really enjoyed it all. And as usual forgot to take photos of the stuff they made.

BTW the little paper people were punched out using a craft punch I got at the NEC years ago. You can produce 100 people 5cm high in less than 5 minutes. It really saves time and energy. Sharing the Gospel is much harder - but we are working at that too!


  1. Isn't it funny that your teenagers were teaching about Jesus, The light of the world this morning. A quarter of the way around the globe we had the same message at our junior church! My dorm of year 7 and 8 girls were leading the service and although I can't claim they did it all themselves, they did do a great job. Different places, different people but still proclaiming the same message!

  2. I like the connection you make between producing the paper people and sharing Jesus with others- souls won for HIM! Just this morning, Bill was telling me about a professor at seminary who went out into his neighborhood every night to share Jesus. EVERY NIGHT. His wife went with him. Amazing.

  3. Elizabeth- I am sure you share my joy at watching young people leading the services. I remember YOU in your teens doing stuff here - and it is so exciting to see how the Lord is using you now to lead other YP. [not that YOU are OLD now!]
    PP - you are the other way round the world from Elizabeth in India, but you too are thinking about evangelism.
    Lets all keep on doing it as well as talking about it!!

  4. And another Elizabeth in France! praising God for your wonderful ideas, and for young people's involvement.

  5. I love the paper people on the wall. How wonderful!

    And I'd like to hear more about *your* preaching. Have you written about this before?



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