Saturday 7 November 2009

Not Just In Bible Times

That was the title of a meeting I went to this week - reminding us that Leprosy is still prevalent in our world. Over 700 people are diagnosed every day. But there are now multi-drug therapies which can cure people in a relatively short time.


This lovely smiling lady is Pamela Levens, our local coordinator for the Leprosy Mission. She came to our church on Thursday night to talk about this wonderful organisation and the work it does throughout the world.

leprosy mission The shoes she is holding are made from recycled car tyres, fasten with Velcro and are carefully shaped to be comfortable footwear for those whose feet have been affected by this awful illness.

You can read all about the Mission and its work here. Our group collects used Postage Stamps to support this work, which Debbie faithfully trims before they are sent off.

DSCF0862 There are some lovely Christmas gifts to buy from the website - Pamela did bring a selection of books and Christmas cards to sell.

We had a very interesting evening, and it was lovely to see photographs of people before and after treatment, and realise that the Leprosy Mission is really helping people to rebuild shattered lives, and offering practical support. Not just the drugs to make men, women and children better - but also retraining them to find new occupations so they can be self-supporting, and offering start-up loans so they can build up businesses to provide for themselves and their families.

So many of the staff of the Leprosy Mission could probably earn much more if they work in other branches of medicine or commerce, but they choose to serve God in this work.

One day in one of the villages there was a man covered with leprosy. When he saw Jesus he fell down before him in prayer and said, "If you want to, you can cleanse me."

Jesus put out his hand, touched him, and said, "I want to. Be clean." Then and there his skin was smooth, the leprosy gone.

[Luke 5; 12-13 from The Message]

Pamela was an inspiring speaker - and I look forward to hearing her again next year, after she has been on another Field Trip - I am sure she will have even more lovely stories to tell us of lives changed through the grace of God and the work of these dedicated people.

Thanks Pamela!


  1. What an amazing vision! Thank you for sharing!

  2. A worthy cause! Our church donates and also collects stamps - I'm often the one spending hand cramping hours trimming them all to the required 1/4 inch border and sorting into foreign and British stamps.


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