Sunday 2 October 2022

Just Keep Going...

Many people are really struggling with life right now, for all sorts of different reasons. I found lots of images for this anonymous quote. I really liked this one, for its autumnal colours, and because it says 'us' and 'we' - this is something we are doing together.
I was about to hit 'publish' and then I saw the typo at the end of the quote.
"strom" is a Viking word, meaning a strong tidal stream. Maybe it is not a typo after all. As Isaiah 43 says
Don’t be afraid…you’re mine. When you’re in over your head, I WILL be there with you. When you’re in rough waters, you will NOT go down. 


  1. You are not alone - and you are in our prayers, dear friend 🙏❤️🙏

  2. It made me think of maelstrom which I guess comes from the same word root. Catriona

  3. Thank you Angela I read your blog every day this is just what I need thank you freddie

  4. I'm finding it difficult dealing with my energy company right now! I'm also trying to keep my 91yr-old mother on track with various things. Yesterday, she rang a number that came up on her mobile from Amazon telling her that her parcel was ready! She just doesn't understand how these people can get her mobile number, no matter how many times I explain to her just how clever they are. My ex-boss was telling me on Friday that she had just been hacked from a phone call on her landline, purporting to be from Amazon which she thought was genuine, they had all sorts of info on her and unfortunately, she provided them with more information! It's worrying.

    1. These scam calls are really distressing - especially for older people who do not understand what is happening. And getting through to the right person on the phone is an absolute nightmare. I hope your Mum is OK

    2. I visited her today Ang and blocked, then deleted all suspicious looking texts and numbers on her mobile phone, mostly from companies telling her to uplift her parcels and one which said her photographs were ready to collect! She's so trusting though and will talk to anyone!

    3. I am glad you could do this for her - but sad that it was necessary

  5. We can trust you to spot a typo.

  6. The definition of the word "storm" reminds me that as Christians we are mostly walking against the current of the world!

  7. This is so timely - thank you

  8. I like the typo as it makes us stop and reread.
    Thank you for this. JanF

  9. Replies
    1. I will try to work it into a conversation this week if I can!

  10. In German, Strom means "Current" I think! Also relevant!
    Thank you for this reminder! Kxx

  11. Love the quotation and the new word. Ta!


  12. We buried my sister's ashes last week. It was a very good service and many relatives came. I'm feeling a little move towards becoming whole again. I've thought of you and your cousin's passing. It's a hard time for so many. Thank you for your posts.

    1. Celie, thank you for your words. You are often in my thoughts. We have yet to have the final ceremony with Gill's ashes. These acts are difficult, but important, steps on the journey. I'm so glad your service went well, and that were many were there to show love and support. God bless you in the days ahead ❤️🙏


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