Tuesday 11 October 2022

The Indians Have Reservations*

Then the joyous Hiawatha
Cried aloud and spake in this wise:
"Beautiful is the sun, O strangers,
When you come so far to see us!
All our town in peace awaits you,
All our doors stand open for you;
You shall enter all our wigwams,
For the heart's right hand we give you.

Yes, my nephew and his fiancée get married this Saturday in Scotland, and this is the unusual DIY invitation card. The venue is "down a farm track" and dress code is "Outdoor Scottish Wedding in October". I am giving Serious Consideration to what I shall wear! Footwear will definitely be my motorcycle boots- they are warm, waterproof and extremely comfortable for standing around for long periods in a field [or dancing the night away, if my verruca allows it] 

*these Playmobil figures came in a huge bag of stuff for only 50p at a Yard Sale in the summer. Rosie is aware that 'Indians' is an outdated and incorrect term, and we always refer to them as 'the Native Americans'. At her request, all the rifles have been put away. The bows and arrows remain as she knows this is their method of hunting food. But like Liz and myself, she is very anti-guns.


  1. Interesting wedding invitation card! Hope the weather will be nice for an outdoor wedding in mid-October in Scotland!

  2. Great invitation! That sounds a challenge to dress for. I'd probably wear my Matthew Williamson floral coat as it's long but very fancy and layer up a cashmere jumper and fancy full circle skirt underneath with leggings and boots too.
    Have fun and DO show us what yoy decide to wear in the end!

  3. Appropriate layers including waterproof ones are always the answer in Scotland. You’re certainly on the colder side of the country-are you glamping? Catriona

    1. Glamping? Did you see the prices on the website? No, we have found a B&B in nearby Dunbar [our daughter said we were not to kip on an airbed in back of the Skoda like we did in Wales 3 years ago]

  4. You need to take the clothes for all seasons methinks! We have holidayed that far north in October and we had weather from warm and sunny to freezing cold and howling gale and everything in between in one week!

  5. They are referred to as Indigenous people.

    1. 👍 but of course, every country has their own IP.

  6. I'm laughing at myself because as soon as I saw the name Hiawatha, I started to repeat the Longfellow poem learned in school so very long ago, "By the shores of gitche gumee..."

    Still trying to imagine a tee-pee in Scotland. :) Have a lovely time. Hope the weather cooperates.

    1. Some of us are from a generation who learned poetry by heart! Cargoes, Charge of the Light Brigade, The Highwayman, Gray's Elegy... And don't forget The Owl And The Pussycat, and Matilda [who told such awful lies]

  7. How creative! May they live happily ever after!
    If you can believe it, DH's grandmother was named Hiawatha Samantha and she was born in 1912.


    1. Wow, I have never come across anyone actually named Hiawatha before

  8. What a wonderful invitation, so well done. I am amazed that you are actually traveling so far for the wedding. Also look forward to hearing what you wear, it will be a challenge! JanF

    1. I have 4 nieces - but only one nephew! And I have yet to meet my new great niece. So it will be worth it.

  9. 20 minutes away from me! You'll be in a very exposed location so wrap up warm and I don't want to be a party-pooper but think you might want to check out the weather for this weekend on the east coast (which has enjoyed a warmer than usual summer with very little rain, as per the rest of the country!).

    1. If I'd realised we would only be 20 minutes away, I'd have asked if you do bed&breakfast!! I'm working on the "it will probably be cold and wet" principle, and taking layers. Better to be prepared than miserable, damp and shivering. As the Scandinavians say , there's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing.

  10. I love that Rosie has no time for guns but accepts that some indigenous people need their bows and arrows to hunt with. I hope you have a fabulous time at the wedding and that whatever you decide to wear will turn out just right for the weather at the time! The boots sound perfect.


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