Thursday 13 October 2022

The Tree Of Life

 Kirsten's latest addition to the Postcard Project is utterly stunning. Taking her inspiration from Revelation 22:2 ['the leaves of the Tree of Life are for the healing of the nations'] she has stitched this amazing tree.
The leaves on this stylised tree have all been filled in using different, regular stitch patterns. This technique, using counting threads on evenweave fabric has been known in Britain since the time of Geoffrey Chaucer 600 years ago, and is popularly known as blackwork. [although not exclusively stitched in black - other colours, especially red, were often used] Kirsten's use of different shades of green works particularly well. 
This stitching has an interesting Royal connection. Although it had been in use for over 100 years, it became incredibly fashionable at the start of the 16th century because of Henry VIII's first wife, Katharine of Aragon.
She was very fond of this embroidery as a trimming on her garments, and it was referred to as 'Spanish work' in her honour. However after Henry divorced her, it was called Blackwork again. 
I've been fascinated by blackwork for years, but never got round to trying it. I'm thrilled Kirsten has added it to our Project. 
My "royal" stitching has been a simple announcement of the change of monarch - incorporating the old and the new Royal Cypher. 
Now I am working on my October stitching. The quilting activity is on the back burner [again!] 


  1. Ah, this project is so cool!! You both did a really good job. I'm off to do Tudor dance in the rain with my year 4's. They are making up their own inspired Tudor dances today!

    1. Have fun Kezzie, with the pavannes and galliards!

  2. The tree is lovely. You are both so talented!

    1. Thank you. I wish I could communicate the texture of K's stitching too - a photo does not do it justice

  3. This is not my field at all but I do like Kirsten's tree. I am also interested in the Catherine of Aragon connection. I recently read her biography by Amy Licence in which her skill in embroidery is mentioned several times.

    1. I don't know that book. It sounds interesting

  4. Beautiful stitching by both of you!

  5. I,ve not heard of the post card project ,but I do love that little Tree of Life and all the different patterns in the leaves . I am about to start a Blackwork embroidery piece myself , so I was very interested by this post today .

  6. The Postcard Project is something that Kirsten and I decided to work on together back in the Spring. If you click on "postcard project" in the list on the right, you can read the whole story so far. We've already incorporated lots of different stitching techniques

  7. What a clever use of blank space to delineate the trunk and branches of the tree. Lovely stitching. I like yours, too. Good to see the royal insignia and compare them. Hard to get used to the new one, though!

    1. I imagine we will soon adjust. I think it will be harder to remember that The Prince Of Wales is now William, not Charles 👑👑👑

  8. Love the tree!
    This side of the Pond, it's called redwork. Go figure.
    Your September stitching is timely.



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