Tuesday 5 June 2012

Normal Service...

...resumed as soon as possible. The Cornerstones Internet connection has failed - we are waiting for BT to sort it [but it is a Double Bank Holiday]
But WE are fine and having a good time. Thankyou Adrian and Marion for access to a PC this evening!
We are enjoying a BBQ - Adrian cooked it [in the rain] but we're eating inside!!


  1. So glad you are enjoying a time away, rest and relax for a few days.

  2. If it's not the phone it's the Internet!
    Jane x

  3. Come back to us soon. Breakfast for me just wouldn't be the same without one of your adventures or posts to read.
    x x x

  4. It's back!!
    But we are going out now - so I won't be catching up on your blogs, or posting anything myself till later today.
    Have a good day, friends x


Always glad to hear from you - thanks for stopping by!
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