Thursday, 2 June 2011

Horatio Was Here!

As Bob was spending Wednesday sorting out PA for a friend, I spent the day with Christine. She arrived for elevenses, then we packed a picnic, and armed with this book, set off for the coast…

AA walking in norfolk

Walk #7 is titled “Burnham Thorpe’s Hero” and is a 3.5 mile stroll through the countryside that Admiral Nelson would have known as a boy.

We began by eating lunch looking at the sea

Then we set off along the route. HN’s father was rector at All Saint’s Church Burnham Thorpe for 50 years or so. Sadly the original rectory was demolished [3 years before Trafalgar] but a plaque is set on the wall, indicating the site of the family home.


We walked from here through the village, and the village sign indicates pride in their local hero.


Then passing a row of cottages in a street named “The Pightle” [a Middle English word, meaning small enclosure of land] we saw HMS Victory on the recreation ground!



Up to the immaculately maintained church, where much of the refurbished wooden interior is from the timbers of the real HMS Victory. The Visitors’ Book reveals global interest in the hero of Trafalgar – travellers from around the world have called in!

all sts church BT


Nelson’s parents, Edmund and Catherine, are buried here. Our walk continued through fields and footpaths to the broken “Brothercross”


This is at a road junction, and is where local tradesmen used to congregate to do business.

The house opposite was quite fascinating, with its collection of large stone heads and garish traffic cones!


We were almost back to the spot where we’d left the car at this point. One field and footpath to go. As we walked along we encountered a sprightly gentleman of 92, who said he walked eight miles a day! He told us that the footpath was full of stuff people had dumped, and we’d find some interesting stuff. We certainly did.

I found a large brass reading lamp!

So I picked it up and carried it about half a mile back to the car. Chris was greatly amused by this. She took a photo – which may appear on this blog at some point. “Oh well, if we are still here when night falls, at least we’ll have a light!” she declared.

Well I think it may be useful. Even if my best friend and my beloved spouse think I am stark staring bonkers!


Just before the Battle Of Trafalgar, Nelson wrote this prayer

MAY THE GREAT GOD, whom I worship, grant to my country and for the benefit of Europe in general, a great and glorious victory: and may no misconduct, in anyone, tarnish it: and may humanity after victory be the predominant feature in the British Fleet.

For myself Individually, I commit my life to Him who made me and may His blessing light upon my endeavours for serving my Country faithfully. To Him I resign and the just cause which is entrusted to me to defend. AMEN AMEN AMEN”


  1. Hi Angela, sorry I haven't contacted you sooner, looking forward to our swaps. I'll email you sometime before end June with my address if you could do the same thanks
    Pene x

  2. I am most envious of your day out, Admiral Lord Nelson is a big hit in our home! Two nights ago we were discussing his battle tactics while we were cooking dinner.
    In a city near Toronto there is a Trafalgar Road and a Burnhamthorpe Road: one word, not two....often wonder of it was a mistake!
    Jane x


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