Saturday, 11 June 2011

Making Memories!

I have had an absolutely wonderful day with Floss and friends - busy building friendships and creating happy memories. I shall post some pictures and say more when I get back to my own PC. But thanks, girls, for a great time [especially Sue for the Piriton tablets which have certainly helped deal with the itching!!] And a lovely evening relaxing with Liz and Jon at the end of the day.


  1. Hooray! I've been thinking about you! Bill sent me a photo of Big Ben!

  2. It was really lovely to meet you - we had such a fun day out and I returned home ready to face the fray! Hope you have a good journey back home and a less itchy night last night! I have just sneezed at the thought of it ... there's empathy for you.

    Pomona x


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