Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Order! Order!

Today marks another centenary in British History

On August 10th, 1911, British MPs voted to pay themselves a salary – but interestingly, not expenses. Nowadays, the current salary for an MP is £65,738 and in addition, they receive money to cover the costs of running an office, employing staff, having somewhere to live in London and in their constituency, and travelling between London and their constituency.

house of commons

You can find out more on the Parliament website.


mps duckhouse.Nobody is perfect [Romans 3:23] but I want our elected representatives to be men and women of integrity, not ones who are just  self-serving . I think that is why the whole parliamentary expenses fiasco was so sad. I mean, claiming £5 for ‘money put in a collection plate at a church service’ makes me feel utterly sick. Not to mention the infamous Duck House.

I prefer to take my model of leadership from one who came not to be served, but to serve…


  1. We have similar problems here in the US. Many people are very mad about the different standards for Congress, They have much better retirement and health care. I doubt that they will ever change.

  2. Politicians are usually in it for the money, I think. Like grubby underwear, we need to change them every so often for the good of the nation.


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