Happy to report that the sewing machine is now running splendidly [thank you Bambers] and the Barnaby Bear for my colleague Sian now has a pair of striped pyjamas.
He also has his school uniform [sweatshirt and black trousers] plus rolled-up sleeping bag, small bag for storing pjs, and large bag to hold BB and all his luggage.
And just as I was finishing this project the doorbell rang. There stood a man with a carrier bag, enquiring if he was at the right house, only he had a teddy bear to deliver!
I assured him he was in the right place, and I am the Bear Lady.
Yes, that is a red sweat shirt – because the owner is best friends with a boy at ‘my’ school, and wondered if I could possibly sort out his bear, even though he was at the school in this village!
Where will it all end?
Meanwhile we continue to get very last minute Holiday Club bookings, so in between sewing things, I am producing still more plaster of Paris Egyptian plaques. White dust everywhere!
Now that, my friend, is a well-dressed bear!