Monday, 4 July 2011


In honour of my Year 6 friends, whose Leavers’ Production is “Pirates of the Curry-Bean” this week


…and for Liz, who is a Volunteer at Battersea Cats’ and Dogs’ Home …and for her Jon, who is a pirate aficionado

I may feel the need to abandon my ‘no creativity for a week’ and produce a Captain Cat-Battler to send to  B C & D H


You can find the pattern on the Guardian website here.

If you are not keen on a Pirate theme, then use your scraps to produce multi-coloured mice like these

Knitted-mice for battersea

It just depends how busy this week proves to be -

The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley


  1. Gosh Year 6 leaving do'd galore eh? Oh the happy memories!

  2. So cute! Hope the cats and kitties get lots of mice to enjoy

  3. That pirate mouse is too adorable for words. I think I know what everyone's getting for Christmas this year! (My dad will be thrilled.)


  4. My cats will be pestering me now!!
    Jane x


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