Wednesday 29 July 2009

Showstoppers Day Three

It is continuing to throw it down with rain - but the children come back, bright and full of enthusiasm each morning [I guess many of the Mums are glad that we are keeping them occupied while it is too wet for them to play outside!]

More prayer stones from yesterday - the youngest group made little boxes to store them in...



They had also made rainbow pictures

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We bounced around and did aerobics


And Bob dressed up for the drama [that's a fake shirt front - the collar just velcros at the back of his neck!]

DSCF0102 Our Bible story today was Daniel in the Lions' Den, and we made lion masks, using templates from Baker Ross.

I am always impressed by the way the different groups interpret the craft activities, and using the same basic materials produce such diverse, but brilliant results.

"Oliver" group shredded their tissue paper, "Cats" made paper curls, "Oklahoma"realised that when they pushed out the eye-holes, they could use the resulting pieces of card to make ears...






The orange tissue in the bowl does look a bit like carrot salad!



















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Here is a mask in its early stages



Sometimes small hands need a bit of help...





Staff work hard to put up the displays after each session




Each day, the children bring their "Backstage Pass" and get it stamped.

We've got over 200 signed up for tomorrow night's barbecue.

The musicians have worked hard. This morning Lynda was in her third wig!

She has been pink, then blonde, and today was in a black "Snow White" bob


I am not saying that I am feeling exhausted - but I did sleep for two hours this afternoon!


  1. Lovely crafts and activities and where did Bob get his fake shirt? If I get some of those for DH I won't have to iron anymore! ;>
    Cal x

  2. Hello Angela, I,m cottonreel,thankyou for joining my blog . We have a mutual friend (french village life) I live in Desf,. Barbara, aka, Elizabethd introduced me to your blog, I am going away for a month, starting Aug 2nd but I will be in touch on my return.I lived at 104, main st,k,m for many years

  3. Everything looks wonderful! I bet the kids are having a ball! I love all the crafts!


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