Thursday, 19 May 2011

My First Favourite Belgian Boy


Long before I met Bob, even before I had marvelled at the little grey cells of Hercules Poirot, there was a cute Belgian boy with a blond quiff, called Tintin. Today I have discovered that Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson are releasing their ‘Tintin’ film at Christmas.

I have already announced that I am planning to go to the cinema!

herge georges remi

The real name of the creator of this character [whose first appearance was in 1929] was Georges Remi. But  he reversed his initials GR to RG to get Hergé.

Tintin is frowned upon by many people nowadays, because of his Political Incorrectness. But he was a product of his age, and I think it is important to view the stories in that light. In his day, the Russians were regarded as the ‘baddies’

Hergé was a keen Boy Scout, and was eager to write adventure stories which boys would enjoy,in which right prevailed and evil was vanquished. That strikes me as a good starting point.

thomspo twins

Tintin Trivia…

In Tibet, Tintin’s nickname is ‘Pure Heart’

The ‘twins’ are not identical- and they aren’t twins – their surnames are Thompson and Thomson! [or Dupont/Dupont if you are Belgian]


Here’s a trailer to whet your appetite

Captain Haddock beats Captain Birdseye anyday!

Here’s the whole Tintin family – how many do you recognise?



  1. Oh, Angela. I always learn something over here, good teacher. I can't wait to see that film!

  2. Oh, I just know I will be disappointed at the movie. Altogether THE voice "Herges Adventures of Tintin".
    Jane x

  3. Excellent - I've just passed this news on to Son 1, who was wondering when it was coming out! Dupont and Dupond are spelled differently in French, too...

  4. Thank you again - the boys really enjoyed the trailer!

  5. I don't recognize any of the characters, but Jack would. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to hear the movie version is coming out. So glad Spielberg is doing it!


  6. If I'd known I could have told you a few months back. I read about it in Empire magazine. Needless to say I am planning to see it.


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