Sunday, 11 March 2012

Humbled For A Season…

As part of our All-Age Worship this morning we thought about how Jesus left the glory of heaven and humbled himself, and became a man for us [from Philippians 2]. At one point in the service, Bob invited people to either stay in the chapel where he’d be talking about Jesus’ Journey or they could go into the Hall for an activity.

I’d already prepared paper for a frieze, with lots of punched-paper people, and some little houses, and assembled gluesticks, pens etc.

DSCF0111DSCF0112DSCF0113We made a frieze showing a route from Heaven via Bethlehem and the stable to Jerusalem and the empty tomb and back to Heaven. Adults ad children really got involved in the task – it only took the group about 10 minutes to produce a splendid result.


As usual, I was really impressed by the way people worked hard and thought about what they were doing, and chatted to each other as they worked about the details. Those figures standing by the tomb were labelled Mary, The Other Mary, Guard. Someone else wanted to make sure we remembered Jesus had been a refugee, so between Bethlehem and Nazareth drew pyramids for The Flight Into Egypt. A group worked on Palm Sunday – then realised the donkey was walking the wrong way! [doesn’t matter!]DSCF0121 Adults helped even the youngest children to find jobs they could do easily so that everyone felt involved. I didn't have an ‘angel’ paper punch – so I improvised and stuck butterflies on the back of regular people to make wings! Match sticks made crosses, a stable and masts for the boats on Galilee

Here’s the finished frieze up on the wall in church


  • a journey with a purpose
  • a journey with a price
  • a journey with partners
  • a journey with prospects
  • a journey with pilgrims

And yes, we did sing Bunyan’s Hymn!

Come and be a pilgrim on the journey with us!


  1. Looks like everyone had a lot of creative fun.

  2. Thanks for the comments! I wish you could see it in close up with all the amazing details!

  3. A great frieze and a super idea for an All-Age service.

  4. Great idea. I must admit I was thinking of 'At the name of Jesus' from your title, not 'To be a Pilgrim'.

    1. Despite Bob preaching from Phil 2 we didn't actually sing At The Name [I love that hymn!] We had a good mix of trad hymns and newer Stuart Townend stuff.

  5. Now I will have to look up Bunyan's hymn. (I love hymnody.) Sounds like a lot of fun with a nice alliterative outline to boot.


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