Saturday, 3 March 2012

What’s In Your Hamper, Then?

The Queen, and in-laws compare notes whilst shopping on Thursday


Theirs - Royal Icing, Queen’s Pudding, Duchess Potatoes, Brown Windsor Soup, Cornish Pasties, Royal Jelly, Edinburgh Rock, Prince’s Tuna Chunks [and a load of Duchy Organics Produce]


Mine- Sugared Almonds, Almond Paste, Almond Essence, Almond Brittle, Chocolate Almonds, Angel Cake, Angel Delight, Sauce Robert, Pie-Minister-Pie

Seeing the photos of the Queen at Fortnum&Mason’s this week reminded me I have a hamper too [up in the loft] and it really needs to be used and displayed. My hamper is sadly empty!


  1. I saw this on last night's news. That was some shopping trip!

  2. Today I received a beautiful postcard from you, not only did it smile but it also brought tears to my eyes too. I am so blessed to have you as a friend Ang.

    I have dusted off your fab letter to my boys and we are reading it again about Easter.

    I have a F&M hamper too, I keep stuffing in it

    1. Hi Jen - glad to know the boys still have their Easter letter!
      Did you mean Paxo stuffing, or polyester cushion filling???
      blessings x

  3. We bought a mini hamper for my daughter when she was hursing in London, years ago. She still has it, and wouldnt part with it!

  4. I'd comment if I could stop laughing!
    Jane x

  5. I've promised the boys a visit to F and M if we get to London in July- we've discovered since reading the Wombles that it is Orinico's favourite shop! Don't imagine we'll get a hamper though- that really should be out on very daily display, Angel Ang!


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